Further Resources


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Last updated: 5th July 2021

You can find more links in this assignment about building a library of design resources.

Design principles

Visual principles

Visual design principles 
This chapter from “UX For Beginners” by Joel Marsh covers visual principles, with a focus on visual patterns.

Five principles of visual design in UX
Nielsen Norman Group explain how specific visual principles impact the user experience of digital products.

Usability principles

Dieter Rams’ ten principles for good design
Insights from industrial design.

How design makes the world (book)
Author and designer Scott Berkun explores what we can learn from the ways that designers have both served us and failed us.

I just want to cook my food
A lament from Bruno Maag about poor induction hob usability.

Ethical principles

Design for the Real World  (book)
First published in 1971, Victor Papanek shows how design can reduce pollution, overcrowding, starvation, obsolescence, and other problems we face today.

Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility  (book)
Written by Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne, this book addresses the question: what does it mean to be a designer in today’s culture?

Future Ethics  (book)
In this book, Cennydd Bowles transforms modern ethical theory into practical advice for designers, product managers, and software engineers.

Design’s lost generation 
An essay by Mike Monteiro about the human costs of bad design in the age of big tech. (He expanded this into a book, “Ruined by Design”, which is linked below.)

Ruined by Design  (book)
Mike Monteiro argues that: “The world is working exactly as designed. And it’s not working very well. Which means we need to do a better job of designing it.”

Humane by Design
A resource that provides guidance for designing ethically humane digital products through patterns focused on user well-being.

Principles of Calm Technology
From Amber Case, a cyborg anthropologist, user experience designer and public speaker.

Ethics in Design, Part 1
Anton Sten offers an introduction to design ethics.

Ethics in Design, Part 2
Anton Sten looks more closely at “dark patterns” and how to challenge them.

Inclusive Design
The principles behind Microsoft’s inclusive design methodology.

Prosocial design principles
A short video and list of principles from the filmmaker Alan Honick.

Prosocial Design Network
Its mission is to promote evidence-based design practices that bring out the best in human nature online.

Fonts and typography

Google Fonts
Hundreds of high-quality free fonts.

A free fonts service from the Indian Type Foundry.

Adobe Fonts
A large library of premium fonts with easy licensing.

Font Match
A tool that allows you to compare two fonts by superimposing them.

Type trends, font pairings, and typography advice.

Thinking With Type
An in-depth typography resource from Ellen Lupton (also available as a printed book).

Fonts In Use
An archive of typefaces found in the wild.

Explorations in Typography
A popular compendium of typesetting examples, by Carolina de Bartolo with Stephen Coles and Erik Spiekermann.

I Love Typography
A blog by John Boardley about typography, type history, and making fonts.

An annual typography conference from Type@Cooper.

About legibility and readability
An essay by typography expert Bruno Maag.

The emotional accessibility of reading
A short essay by David Bailey, UX principal at the BBC.

More than meets the eye
Maria Doreuli debunks prejudices against display typefaces.

Fonts in popular culture identified
Jeremiah Shoaf of Typewolf tracks some typefaces down.

Print Mag’s favourite typefaces of 2020
A collection of 25 new fonts.

I Love Typography’s favourite typefaces of 2020
More new fonts.

Colour and colour palettes

A tool for exploring and generating colour palettes.

Brand identity design resources

Happy new branding
A guide from TypeTogether about using typefaces in branding.

Baseline is different

We reimagined the design bootcamp, with the help of three principles:

❯  High-quality design curriculum should be available to everyone for free

❯  Access to expert design coaching should be flexible and affordable

❯  Online education should respect people’s rights, privacy, and autonomy

Explore the course